Log Settings

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Program Options: Logging Settings


By default the log file, produced when a profile is run, is created in HTML format. By selecting this menu item you can change the log file format, or choose not to create a log file at all.


·Store all my log files in the following folder: This is the folder SyncBackSE will store the log files created after every profile run. You can use environment variables, e.g. %APPDATA%


·Use the following filename for my log files: This is the filename of the log files SyncBackSE created. Windows environment variables and SyncBackSE variables can be used here, including a special variable called %PAGE% which is replace with the page number of the log file.



Note that this setting is just the filename, not the path. The above setting is for the path.


·Keep a history ofà: SyncBackSE can be configured to keep a certain number of log files, e.g. the log files of the last 3 profile runs.







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